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Custom Default Option Labels

In case you want to localize the strings or just change the defaults, take a look at the following props:

  • defaultOptionLabel (both RegionDropdown and CountryDropdown)
  • blankOptionLabel (RegionDropdown only). By default it just shows a "-" character when no country has been selected, but this prop allows it to be customized.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { CountryDropdown, RegionDropdown } from 'react-country-region-selector';

const CustomDefaultOptionLabels = () => {
const [country, setCountry] = useState('');
const [region, setRegion] = useState('');

return (
onChange={(val) => setCountry(val)}
defaultOptionLabel="Go ahead, select a country!"
onChange={(val) => setRegion(val)}
blankOptionLabel="No country selected..."
defaultOptionLabel="Now select a region, pal"

export default CustomDefaultOptionLabels;